
Watch your email and the  for event information. Email Alumni and Family Engagement with questions or for additional information on °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Events for families. 

Whether it’s dropping your student off at their residence hall in the fall, watching them graduate during Commencement, or becoming a part of the learning experience during Family Weekend, °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ invites its families to spectacular events throughout the year.

Summer Welcome Parties

Each summer, current parents and alumni host Welcome Parties for families in regions around the country, and world. It’s a great opportunity to meet members of the Pomona community before Fall term, including members of the incoming class and their families. Learn more about Summer Welcome Party locations and registration.

New Student Orientation and Sagehen Family Orientation

Orientation is a week-long program to help new students settle into life at °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ and get excited about their intellectual passions. It's also an opportunity for families to get better acquainted with Pomona and learn more about the amazing journey that’s just beginning for their students. Sagehen Family Orientation will be held on August 20. Learn more and register for SFO sessions today. 

Family Weekend

Family Weekend takes place every October and provides an annual peek for Pomona parents and families into campus life. It’s a great opportunity for students to share their experiences with loved ones. Enjoy special presentations and events, join students in class, spend time in the Claremont Village and more. View the Family Weekend schedule


Commencement is a singular achievement for each student who comes to Pomona. Since 1887, °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ has graduated more than 31,000 students. Come see this proud tradition for yourself.