Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) promotes student learning and achievement by sustaining faculty in their development as teachers.  The TLC encourages critical reflection, pedagogical experimentation, and innovation in teaching. It fosters an informed and collaborative dialogue among faculty on matters relating to teaching, learning, and assessment by:

The TLC includes six faculty members, two from each division (at least one of whom is tenured), appointed to two鈥恲ear staggered terms.  It also includes the Deputy Chief Information Officer of Instructional & Support Services, the Director of College Writing/Assistant Director of College Writing, and the Associate Dean as ex-officio members.

Members for Spring 2021 are:

  • Manisha Goel (Economics) Chair of the TLC*
  • Julie Tannenbaum (Philosophy) 
  • Jean Paul Gowdy (Physical Education)
  • Joseph Osborn (Computer Science)
  • Carolyn Ratteray (Theatre)
  • Kara Wittman (English, Director of College Writing)
  • Anne Dwyer (German & Russian, Associate Dean)
  • Hector Sambolin Jr. (Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Academic Success and Assessment)
  • Andrew Wilson (Director of Research Computing & Digital Scholarship)
  • Kirstin Hansen (Teaching and Outreach Librarian)

*Please contact the chair of the TLC if you have requests, ideas for future events, or questions about past events.