Course Scheduling Information for Academic Departments

The Office of the Registrar works with academic departments to create and maintain course schedules each semester.  Please refer to these resources for more information.


Class Meeting Times

All classes must meet at or within the meeting times specified below.

Class Times Available for All Courses

  • MWF: 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 11:00-11:50
  • MW: 11:00-12:15, 1:15-2:30, 2:45-4:00
  • WF: 11:00-12:15
  • TR: 8:10-9:25, 9:35-10:50, 1:15-2:30, 2:45-4:00
  • Once weekly (M, T, W, R or F) afternoon seminars: 1:15-4:00
  • Once weekly (M, W or F) evening classes: 7:00-9:50 p.m. (with break)

Class Times for Studio Arts, Broadly Defined

  • MW: 10:00-12:30, 1:15-3:45
  • WF: 10:00-12:30, 1:15-3:45
  • TR: 9:35-12:05, 1:15-3:45

Class Times for Athletics, Arts Ensembles and Continuing Labs

  • MW: 4:15-6:45
  • WF: 4:15-6:45
  • TR: 4:15-6:45

Class Time for Critical Inquiry Seminars, Senior Seminars or Other Approved Senior-Only Courses (Fall Only)

  • TR: 11:00-12:15

Additional information regarding class meetings and the course credit hour is available in the Grades, Credit and Academic Record section of the .


There is considerable competition for favored classrooms and class meeting times. Intradepartmental room conflicts must be resolved in advance of course schedule submission. Intradepartmental room conflicts that are submitted will be returned to the department for resolution.

Room conflicts between departments will be resolved with consideration of the following criteria established by the Dean of the College, and some courses may be taught outside of their regular classroom building:

  • Accommodations for physical needs or limitations
  • Pedagogical needs (equipment, seating, etc.)
  • Back-to-back course sections for the same instructor(s)
  • Most efficient use of classroom space (enrollment vs. classroom size, etc.)
  • Random draw by the Registrar’s Office

Class Meeting Exceptions

There may be cases in which special curricular needs require a class time outside of those previously approved. Such deviations from the approved class times require an approved exception from the Dean. For example, a course historically enrolling fewer than five students may be permitted to meet at non-standard times. Please refer to the course scheduling calendar for the specific deadline for requests.

Variations of class times that meet entirely within approved times do not require an exception. For example, language courses meeting MTWR from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. do not require an exception.

No class may meet from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on any day, or after 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, unless specifically allowed by the Curriculum Committee. This includes regularly scheduled class meetings and mandatory additional class meetings.

Note for fall semesters only: ID1 sections meet on TR from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. during the fall semester. Other course sections may also use this time if they do not otherwise permit enrollment of first-year students (e.g., senior seminars).

Lecture and Lab Class Meetings

The lecture and lab portions of a course may be offered together as one section if they are offered in a one-to-one combination with the same students attending both meetings. This allows the course section to appear as one section on the course schedule.

If students may choose from multiple lab options, the lecture and lab must be offered as separate course sections. The department should schedule each lecture section and each lab section (using LPO suffix) as a separate instance.

Enrollment Limits and Restrictions

Enrollment limits may be set as an overall limit that applies to all students regardless of college; as limits that apply to Pomona and non-Pomona students; or as limits that apply specifically to students from each of the five Claremont Colleges.

Use enrollment restrictions to define the student characteristics you want your enrolled students to have, such as college, major, or class year of the student(s).

Please note that we make no assumptions about limits or restrictions that you may have used in the past. Enrollment limits and restrictions must be specified each semester during course scheduling.

Forms, Calendar and Room Information


Forms for course scheduling are available on the "Forms and Help" page for faculty on (login required):

  • : To request new courses and revisions to existing courses. Once the instructor completes this online form, it will be automatically routed to the department chair or program coordinator for comments and approval, and then to the Registrar's Office.
  • : To apply for a course to fulfill the Speaking Intensive, Writing Intensive, and Analyzing Difference requirements. These online forms should be completed by the instructor and are automatically routed to the Registrar's Office.

Course Scheduling and Catalog Production Calendar

The Course Scheduling & Catalog Production Calendar includes dates and deadlines relevant to course scheduling and catalog production.

Room Information

Room descriptions and pictures are available on (login required).

Frequently Asked Questions

My class meets within an approved class time, except that I want to start five minutes early. Does this require an exception?

Yes. Any exception to an approved class time, including start and end times, requires an approved exception from the Dean.

How can I change the pre-requisites, co-requisites or concurrent requisites on my course?

Course pre-requisites, co-requisites, and concurrent requisites must be changed by completing a Course Proposal Form and are subject to approval of the Curriculum Committee.

How can I cross-list my course?

Although Pomona does not have cross-listed courses, you may request that your course be listed within those of another department. During the course scheduling process, please specify the departments with which your course should be affiliated. If approved by the relevant department chair or coordinator, your course will be listed with the other department's courses.

My course is a Letter Grade Only course, but this semester I would like to offer students the option of Pass/No Credit grading. How can I do this?

Grading options may be set at the course level or the section level.

A course may require letter grades or pass/no credit grading, and all sections of the course must follow the same requirements. To change the grading option, please submit a new course proposal form to the Curriculum Committee for approval.

A particular section of a course may require letter grades or pass/no credit grading, at the instructor’s discretion, as long as the course itself permits it. During the course scheduling process, choose the grading option via the online course scheduler. If the course schedule has already been published, contact the Office of the Registrar via email at to request a change.

I submitted information for a course section and need to make a change. What can I do?

If it is prior to the date by which department course schedules are due to the Registrar’s Office, please contact your department’s academic coordinator regarding the change. If it is after the date by which department course schedules are due, please contact the Registrar’s Office at Please be sure to cc the academic coordinator for your department.

I do not know how to clearly indicate my intended course restrictions. What should I do?

If you are unclear about how to correctly indicate your course restrictions, we encourage you to describe your intended class composition. On the Instructor Detail Submission Form for Instructors, this may be done in the ‘Other restrictions?’ field at the bottom of the page. We also invite you to send an email, visit our office, or call with any questions related to your intended course restrictions—your questions are welcome!

My class meeting time is arranged on a case-by-case basis for each student. Are there any policies specific to offering arranged class meeting times?

We understand that some courses may require instructors to meet independently with each of their students enrolled in that particular course rather than hold a standard meeting time. Examples of such courses may include physical activity courses and senior courses, including theses and colloquiums. These courses are typically subject to a maximum registration limit of five students, unless otherwise approved, and do not receive a designated classroom assignment given that the course has no designated approved meeting time.