Human Subjects Research and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ IRB is committed to protecting the rights and welfare of all persons who participate in projects that are conducted under its auspices. This includes ensuring that research participants are fully aware of their rights and of the protections available to them. Further, the IRB is responsible for ascertaining that there is a balance between the potential long-term knowledge gained from any proposed research and any potential risk to the research participants.  Investigators who plan research involving human subjects that requires exempt, expedited, or full board review are required to submit their research protocol to the Pomona IRB for review.

We abide by principles put forth by the and the .

All protocols, amendments, and revisions submitted to the °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ IRB are processed by the IRB via the .

should use their regular SSO credentials.

The IRB Committee members include an Associate Dean of the College, faculty members from diverse disciplines, as well as a community representative. Researchers wishing to use human participants should notify Associate Dean Pierre Englebert at an early stage in the project design about the need for IRB review.

Note: We seek to continuously improve the °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ IRB process and website. We welcome your comments and feedback sent to the IRB Administrators.

Outside Purview of IRB Exempt Review Expedited Review Full Board
Typically Includes
  • No Risk for Participants
  • No Public Dissemination
    • Class Projects
    • Research Practicums
  • Oral Histories
  • Databases
  • Quality Assurance Work
  • Most Applications
  • Minimal Risk
  • Adult Participants
  • 4 Categories:
    • Educational Settings
    • Tests, Surveys, Interviews
    • Benign Interventions
    • Existing Data Sets
  • Fewest Applicants
  • Minimal Risk
  • Adult Participants
  • 9 Categories:
    • Drugs or Medical Devices
    • Blood Samples
    • External Specimens
    • External Medical Procedures
    • Non-Research Specimens
    • Audio & Image Recordings
    • Behavioral Research
    • Follow-up on Prior Research
      • Completed or Ongoing
  • Some Applications
  • Greater Risk
  • Outside the 13 Categories (4 Exempt, 9 Expedited)
  • Illegal/Incriminating Activity
  • Vulnerable Populations
    • Prisoners
    • Children
    • Pregnant Women
    • Undocumented People
    • Victims of Trauma
    • Terminally Ill Patients
    • Impaired Individuals

Guides for Investigators Considering a Submission to the °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ IRB