Undergraduate Scholarships

Boren Scholarships

Boren Scholarships are intended to provide support to students who study languages and cultures seen as critical to U.S. national security. "National security" is broadly defined, including military, political, environmental and social concerns. Study of a foreign language is an integral part of every Boren proposal. Award recipients must meet a service requirement for which they work in the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, State or the Intelligence Community.

Bridging Scholarships for Study in Japan

The offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan. ATJ awards 100 scholarships every year to help students with travel and living expenses while studying abroad in Japan. Undergraduate students majoring in any field of study are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Japanese language study is not a prerequisite.


Freeman-ASIA (Freeman Awards for Study in Asia) is designed to support American undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East or Southeast Asia. Recipients are required to maintain a print, photo, or video journal and submit reports on their project. Students apply for study abroad programs simultaneous with application for the Fellowship.

MEXT Japanese Studies Scholarship

MEXT scholarship sponsored by the Japanese Government for undergraduate students majoring in Japanese or a related field who wish to attend classes at a Japanese university to enhance their understanding of Japan and Japanese culture and improve their Japanese language skills. Students must have sufficient Japanese knowledge to take classes at a Japanese university. Students have the opportunity to study for up to 1 year. Scholarship includes roundtrip airfare, all school fees, and a monthly stipend.